Janet Luke
224 pages
23.8cm x 16.5cm
A Practical guide to caring for bees and beehives.
Around the world, beekeeping is increasingly popular as concern grows that bees and their environments are threatened by global warming and climate change. A beginnerIs guide for backyard hobbyist beekeepers, this guide includes everything you need to know about keeping bees during that first crucial year.
Janet Luke follows three new beekeepers on their journey setting up and managing three different popular beehive designs: Top Bar, Warre and Flow. She interviews keepers and carries out inspections of their hives, discussing topics of interest to all readers, such as locating hives, introducing bees, comb management, varroa control, disease inspections, feeding bees, re-queening, harvesting honey and preparing for winter.
About the Author:
Janet Luke is a qualified landscape architect and she runs an innovative websitegreen urban livingI and a charitable trust called Save our Bees. She writes regular monthly columns on sustainable living, including beekeeping.
Janet has published two sustainable lifestyle guides with New Holland, Green Urban Living and Embrace Your Space. This book will dispel the myths and provide the facts about beekeeping for beginners. Showcases three different popular beehive designs and charts the progress of one season with three beekeepers. A practical and useful hobbyistIs guide to the ancient art of keeping bees.