Scaly Tailed Possum and Echidna

Scaly Tailed Possum and Echidna

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Cathy Goonack
18.2cm x 15.8cm

This engaging story tells how the possum got its scaly-tail and the echidna got its spikes. Passed down from generation to generation, this is a traditional Dreamtime story. Scaly-tailed Possum and Echidna features two iconic Australian animals; the scaly-tailed possum, found only in a remote part of the Kimberley, and one of AustraliaIs most unusual mammals, the echidna. Vividly illustrated with paintings on silk, this Dreamtime story includes detailed descriptions and photographs of the scaly-tailed possum and the echidna. It also tells of the Wandjina, the Creator and Great Spirit, an important part of Aboriginal dreamtime stories from the Kimberley.

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