The Lost Leadbeaters Possum

The Lost Leadbeaters Possum

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Tim Faulkner
32 pages
25.3cm x 23cm

Mr and Mrs Possum were thought to be gone, sent running by logging, destruction and fire. But some scientists believed that there was a chance that they might come back, despite the crisis so dire. An unforgettably book set in verse, this beautifully illustrated text tells the story of the Victorian state faunal emblem - the Leadbeaters possum. Thought to be extinct, it was rediscovered and inspired great changes in the Victorian highlands that have protected its habitat.

About the Author:
Wrestling a saltwater crocodile, wrangling a deadly taipan and milking a funnel-web spider is all in a days work for Tim Faulkner! He could do all that and still find time to release a blue-tongue lizard, tag a wild platypus and save the Tasmanian devil from extinction! Tim is a Director and Head of Conservation at the Australian Reptile Park in Somersby, NSW, and The Devil Ark at Barrington Tops, NSW. Australian Geographic Conservationist of the Year (2015), Tim feature in numerous TV shows, including his own Wild Life of Tim Faulkner, showcasing Australian wildlife to the world. Tim developed a love for the Australian bush and wildlife at a young age. He is proud to be sharing these stories with children, with the hope they will feel the same love for native creatures.

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