Rainforest Trees and Shrubs Second Edition

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A revised edition of the Field Guide to the identification of rainforest trees and shrubs of Victoria, N.S.W. and sub-tropical Queensland using vegetative characters.

Australian Rainforest Trees and Shrubs
Second Edition now enlarged to include:-

An additional 30 species, making a total of 880 species
Over 70 names and/or status of taxa updated to bring them into line with currently accepted names
Family names updated to make them consistent with current research
Some climbing plants included that are shrub-like in juvenile stages
This latest edition runs to 318 A4 size pages
Some sections re-organized to overcome previous difficulties in keys
As with the earlier edition it includes:-

Rainforests of mainland eastern Australia south of the tropics
Covers Rockhampton in QLD to N.S.W. and Victoria
Species in vine thickets, the drier inland extensions of rainforests
Many marginal, early pioneer and ‘gap’ species
Keys to groups based on leaf features
All taxa separated out to species level
Distribution given for each species
Rainforest type given for in which each species grows
Line drawings of leaves and fruit for all species

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