Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas

Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas

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ISBN 9781876473389
pages 288
Size 120mm x 210mm

The Sydney district is one of the great wildflower regions of the world with over 1500 species occurring within an hour’s drive of the city centre. This field guide contains 268 of the more common species, or those with striking attributes. Each page is devoted to a single plant – there is a full-colour photograph and a straightforward description, overall distribution, flowering period, habitat, particular notes and information on its specific location.

Wildflowers of Sydney aims to encourage an appreciation of the floral beauty and variety of this area, and to foster the conservation and wise management of plant communities so they will be here for future generations to enjoy.

For each species a straightforward description is provided, overall distribution, flowering period and habitat provided and in many cases, differences from similar or confusing species are outlined.

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