Weeds of Northern Australia FG PB

Weeds of Northern Australia FG PB

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Nicholas Smith
120 pages
15cm x 21.6cm

An invaluable tool for land managers, this book features descriptions, maps, drawings and photographs of 150 plant species that are common and high priority weeds threatening northern Australia's unique environments.

The book covers:

'  Introduction
'  Using the field guide
'  Area covered by the field guide
'  Maps
'  Definition of a weed
'  Where do weeds come from?
'  Weeds legislation
'  Controlling weeds
'  Control methods
'  Main plant entries, pages 11-104: Trees; Shrubs and herbs; Vines; Grasses; Aquatics
'  References
'  Further reading
'  Glossary of terms
'  Useful contacts
'  Collecting weeds for identification
'  Index

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