Pests Diseases and Ailments Aust Plants

Pests Diseases and Ailments Aust Plants

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David Jones, Rodger Elliot, Trevor Blake and Sandie Jones
2015 - reprint due Dec 2017
448 pages
19cm x 26.5cm

Amateur and professional gardeners, horticulturists, commercial nurseries and students will find this book invaluable. Pests, Diseases and Ailments of Australian Plants is an authoritative reference on pests, diseases and nutritional disorders of Australian plants, with the authors being acknowledged experts in this field. This book describes over 300 introduced and native pests and diseases. To find out what pest or disease is causing a problem, simply check the chart for symptoms. Each symptom is cross-referenced to the text, with colour photographs and detailed line drawings of pests, insect life cycles and damage symptoms on plants to help identify your problem.

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